Bio En R Gy C Vitamin C

Bio En R Gy C Vitamin C

  • 'They're killing us slowly': sandstorms and drought stalk Madagascar

    The cost of water has leapt 300 per cent and locals are surviving on cactus plants – is this the future of climate change famine?


  • Covid-19 is a stark lesson in how humans should tackle the climate crisis

    The pandemic highlights that when people come together the toughest challenges can be overcome

    Demonstrators join the Fridays For Future march on November 5, 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland
  • The protectionist tax threatening to rewrite the rules of global trade

    Read this exclusive extract from our Economic Intelligence newsletter and sign up at the bottom of the article to get it every Tuesday

    Board game
  • Stop calling climate change a 'war' – it is the opposite

    Governments and activists are using martial language to bully us into accepting policies without scrutiny

    Boris Johnson
  • Tone-deaf Bezos must be brought back down to earth

    Billionaire's grandstanding eco-warrior act distracts from genuine attempts to tackle climate change

    Jeff Bezos

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  • To save Britain's birds, it's time to lock your cat indoors

    As our feathered friends start to disappear, some are starting to question the true scale of the damage inflicted by their feline foes

    A cat hunting and killing a bird is a frequent sight in Britain
  • Modern homes put swifts on the endangered species list

    New-builds are less likely to have small spaces between bricks and in eaves where the birds like to nest, says RSPB

    The common swift
  • Minister vows to look into source of trees burnt for energy in UK

    Investigation by The Telegraph prompts Lord Goldsmith, who championed forest protection at Cop26, to scrutinise current policy

    The biomass domes at Drax Power Station  in Selby, North Yorkshire where wood pellets are burnt to produce electricity
  • Storm Arwen: Met Office warns of 75mph winds

    First storm of the season is named as the Met Office issues amber wind warning for parts of north-east England and Scotland from Friday

    Storm Arwen: Met Office warns of 75mph winds
  • Untreated sewage dumped into seas and waterways wrecks one in six beach swimming days

    Waste now being discharged into rivers and seas routinely, says campaign group - potentially putting people's health at risk

    Swimmers take a dip in the Thames estuary at Thorpe Bay, near Southend On Sea, in Essex. Untreated sewage meant 16 per cent of swimming days were unsafe this year
  • Trees more likely to topple this winter because they have not shed enough leaves

    A mild autumn means large specimens are more are likely to be blown over – and high winds are on the way, warns Met Office

    Trees, such as those in the National Trust's Stourhead Gardens, in Wiltshire have retained more leaves than usual this autumn
  • John Lewis takes aim at 'throwaway' culture in retail sector

    Retailer to offer grants of up to £300,000 to the most innovative ideas that challenge the industry's 'outdated' approach

    John Lewis bags
  • All new homes and offices must have electric vehicle charging points, Boris Johnson to announce

    New legal requirement means up to 145,000 extra charge points to be installed before ban on diesel and petrol cars in 2030

    The new electric vehicle charging points will be part of a new 'green industrial revolution', Boris Johnson will say

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